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Sunday, October 30, 2011

More Spooky Fun!

 This is how we display centers in the classroom. There are 5 students per group. Each center takes around 15-20 minutes. Students rotate clockwise once the timer goes off!

 This was a center that we used to help solidify the concept of comparing numbers using < , > or =. I took clothes pins and covered them with glitter. Then I laminated a set of numbers 1-20. Students compared two or three numbers using the clothes pins as < or > signs. The students really enjoyed it :)

 Boo Bump was an awesome game that I found on TPT for FREE! It was a great game to work on adding three addends together, which is EXACTLY what we have been working on!! Students used candy corns as game pieces to make it more festive!

 I found this candy corn game on Students matched the candy corn partners and solved the addition or subtraction equations. Then students recorded their answers on the worksheet shown. 

 I was inspired by Cara's apples we made in September to make candy corn stain glass window art. Can't wait to add our pumpkin stain glass next week!

 This week we learned about the pumpkin life cycle. I found this activity on Cara Carroll's Blog once again! The students had to match the pictures and sentences. 
 Students also wrote fiction stories about bats as the Writing center this week!

This was our ABC center last week. Students took whatever their word study sort was for the week and then had to think of words that matched their sort. Students did a great job!
This was another Free TPT activity. The students had to match the pumpkins to make compound words. Then students recorded their answers on their worksheet.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Halloween Fun!

I can't get enough of Fall and Halloween!! Below is a picture of our ABC center that the students completed this week! They love this center! I put all those mini pumpkins with letters in a plastic jack-o-lantern(below). Then the students pick out 10 letters.Students manipulate these letters to make different words. Those words are then made into sentences. I love this idea. I make a builder for ever season! The idea was first originated from Mrs. Oakes Beach Builders.

In math this week we were working on equation chains and adding three or more addends. The students did a great job! After students solved the pumpkins on the page, we made our own number strings on the back. 
 I love this math center! Once again I make one for every season! Students take three pumpkin seeds and toss them on the board. Students are then asked to add the three addends together on a white board. This game is a big hit!

     Our Art center for the week! I love them! Super creepy :) 

Hope you enjoyed the activities we completed this week! Let me know if you would like any copies of the games or worksheets we completed :) Have a happy weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


We just finished two weeks of apple themed fun! The students loved it and so did I! 

 This math center involved using non-standard measurements. I used Cara Carroll's Worksheet however, I adjusted it a bit. I let the students go around the room measuring four items of their choice. It was a hit! It also was great practice working on how we would write different fractions and whole numbers.

 Another one of Cara's awesome idea. This is to help students recognize numbers in different forms. Students had to pick a basket with a number on it. Then students had to find three apples with different ways to match the number on the baskets. For example one apple would be that number written in an equation. Another apple would have that number written in tally marks. The last apple would have that number represented on a dot chart.

This was the writing center for the week. We wrote apple Haikus! What awesome work!!

Last but not least we made the most amazing window art! Once again thanks for the idea Cara!

Classroom Pictures!

 The board on the left is the "Information Hut." This is where I display the King and Queen of the Jungle, how each student gets home, and my attendance list. The white board is where all my information goes including schedule, lunch count,  and jobs.

Since these pictures were taken, I have put up the Classroom Constitution in that white space. In my classroom I use "Brownie Points" as a positive reward for good choices. As a whole class the students have the opportunity to earn 25 brownie points. They earn these by making good choices in and outside of the classroom. Once we earn 25, we will vote on our reward! I also have individual brownie points which are placed in the pockets on their desks. The students absolutely LOVE brownie points! :) 

 That blue board is the "Create" board. This is where all their art projects will be displayed. The cloud bulletin board is a "Think as You Read" board. Students refer to this during guided reading.

 The yellow bulletin board is full of decoding and comprehension strategies. I recreated Mrs. Bainbridge's animal reading strategies and displayed them there. The lime green board is my writing board. I have a pencil for each student with their picture attached. Throughout the year I will clip on their wonderful writing.
 The best part of the whole room! My book nook! This area took me ALL summer to organize. I have a bin for each series of books. I color coordinated each series or genre. So far the students have been doing an AWESOME job keeping all of the books organized :)
 Our word wall! I printed the letters and days of the week from teachinginflipflops blog. She has so many zebra ideas which matched my Safari Theme perfectly this year!! I love this corner! I also used zebra duck tape on my bookcases that were covered in yucky contact paper! 
 This is my desk! I printed the alphabet above my desk from an awesome blog. However it was over the summer and I can't remember where! So I'm sorry to the blogger but THANK YOU for an amazing alphabet! To the right is my Classroom Clip Chart. I printed out the names from Mrs. Bainbridge's blog. I covered the clip chart with polkadots! My mom, dad and I spray painted the clothes pins and put polka dots on those too :) I LOVE the clip chart so far!
 My classroom mailboxes and the science lab! This is where I'll display any content we are working on!
  A better picture of the science lab and my storage area!
Our bucket fillers board! My students absolutely are loving bucket fillers this year! We are working on making good choices and being great citizens in the classroom! To the right is my homeworkopoly I found this from the ladybug blog files. I haven't used this before but I have a funny feeling my students are going to LOVE this! 
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