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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That...

 My new year's resolution is to start blogging more! I know it's the end of March but theres still hope right? Anyways here are some of the things we have been working on in the jungle!

 This game is called "Time Twister." The students ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I actually was working with some of my babies from last year and they were asking about this game! So I think this game is a real winner! I bought a cheap bath curtain from Target. Then I printed out clocks on the traditional Twister colors; red, yellow, blue and green. The students use a big Twister spinner that was recreated to match the traditional spinner. Before the students can go to their spot, they have to say the time on the clock! The students were in all sorts of knots by the end of this game! It was so much fun!
 Our snowmen for the winter time. Imagine 25 of these faces hanging in our classroom. A D O R A B L E  to say the least!
 During January and most of February our content unit was Ancient Civilization. I don't think it would have been possible to study China without having Chinese food... of course :) The students were licking their bowls!!

 We also studied Ancient Egypt. Above is a picture of the hieroglyphics that the students looked at to make their salt dough. This is one student's finished project. Afterwards we painted our salt dough hieroglyphics. 
  Don't you love our penguin snow measuring sticks! This was suppose to be used on our first snow day, which never happened!! Guess we'll have to keep these in safe storage until next year!

 This is one of my favorite art projects! The LOVEBUG! I love having these hang on our ceiling!
 Our Valentine/Winter window :) I think it was about 65 degrees outside! At least it felt like winter inside the classroom!

 An amazing Pinterest find! Our Valentine's for our parents. "I love you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes!" Have you ever thought something would be such a great idea, then it happens and you ask yourself," Whose idea was this?!" That's how I felt about this art project! The final projects were adorable however, imagine 25 little feetsies covered in red paint stomping around our bathroom! I thought I was going to see red paint on the floor for the next decade :) Thank goodness for all my helpful  lovebugs!
 Our Valentine Mailboxes!
Another Pinterest idea! Obsessed with these precious butterflies :) The students loved it! It was super easy! All you had to do was print the template, copy on various colors, hot glue eyes to the tootsie roll pop and then sign your name! 
We are Homophone/Homonym masters in our classroom! We played tons of games and centers to help master these concepts. This poster is hanging in out room now! If you want to check out what we played go to my TpT store! Enjoy!! My TpT Store
Free blog design by Adori Graphics using the Every Woman digiscrapping kit by Adorible Digital Designs